R Resources

We use R for most statistical analyses. To help ourselves and others, here is a list of the R resources we find most useful.

Cheat Sheets

Dan's R Cheat Sheet: a 2-page summary of the functions I use the most.

Cheatsheets by RStudio: info-packed 2-page guides for graphing, data wrangling, markdown, etc.

Markdown Cheatsheet: a quick reference for markdown syntax.

Reference Websites

Quick-R: an excellent searchable reference guide

Cookbook for R: cookbook-style how-to wiki, particularly useful for experimental psychology

Matlab/R Reference guide: A handy reference for both R and Matlab (our other main analytical tool)

Hadley Wickham's Style Guide

Data visualisation

ggplot2: documentation website for our main graphics tool

The R graph gallery: many different graph examples with snippets of code for generating them.


Learning R



R Bloggers: A blog aggregator pulling together posts from over 140 bloggers who write about R in English

StackOverflow - R: A great community Q & A site. If you have a problem, they can usually help you.


YaRrr! A Pirate's Guide to R by Nathaniel D. Phillips (free ebook)

Applied R for the quantitative social scientist by Rense Nieuwenhuis (free pdf)

Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse by Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim (free ebook) 

R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund (free ebook)

R in a Nutshell by Joseph Adler

R for SAS and SPSS Users by Robert Muenchen

Analyzing Linguistic Data by Harald Baayen

ggplot2: part of the Use R! series of focused guide books

Books that teach statistics and R together:

Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century by Russell Poldrack (free ebook)

Learning Statistics with R by Dani Navarro (ebook is free)

Discovering Statistics Using R by Andy Field, Jeremy Miles, & Zoe Field