Publications and Presentations
Disclaimer: The documents below are posted to improve dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Please do not quote unpublished manuscripts.
Pustina, D. and Mirman, D. (Eds.) (2022). Lesion-to-Symptom Mapping: Principles and Tools, Neuromethods, vol. 180. New York, NY, USA: Springer.
Papafragou, A., Grodner, D., Mirman, D., and Trueswell, J.C. (Eds.) (2016). Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Mirman, D. (2014). Growth Curve Analysis and Visualization Using R. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall / CRC Press.
Published and In Press Articles
In Press
Reilly J, Shain C, Borghesani V, Kuhnke P, Vigliocco G, Peelle JE, Mahon B, Buxbaum L, Majid A, Brysbaert M, Borghi A, De Deyne S, Dove G, Papeo L, Pexman P, Poeppel D, Lupyan G, Boggio P, Hickock G, Gwilliams L, Fernandino L, Mirman D, Chrysikou EG, Sandberg C, Crutch SJ, Pylkkänen L, Yee E, Jackson R, Rodd J, Bedny M, Connell L, Kiefer M, Kemmerer D, Zubicaray G, Jefferies E, Lynott D, Siew C, Desai R, Cantlon J, McRae K, Diaz M, Bolognesi M, Fedorenko E, Kiran S, Montefinesse M, Vigliocco G, Binder JR, Yap M, Hartwigsen G, Bi Y, Hoffman, P, Garcea F, & Vinson D (in press). What we mean when we say semantic: Toward a multidisciplinary semantic glossary. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.
Murray, A. L., Wright, H., Casey, H., Yang, Y., Zhu, X., Obsuth, I., Allitt, M., Mirman, D., Errington, P.J., and King, J. (in press). Introducing DigiCAT: A digital tool to promote the principled use of counterfactual analysis for identifying potential active ingredients in mental health. Wellcome Open Research.
Thye, M., Hoffman, P., and Mirman, D. (2024). ‘All the stars will be wells with a rusty pulley’: Neural processing of the social and pragmatic content in a narrative. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 36:11, 2495-2517. Analysis code is available at
Thye, M., Hoffman, P. and Mirman, D. (2024) The neural basis of naturalistic semantic and social cognition. Scientific Reports, 14(6796), 1-26. Analysis code is available at
Ding, J., Thye, M., Edmondson-Stait, A.J., Szaflarski, J.P., and Mirman, D. (2024). Metric Comparison of Connectome-based Lesion-symptom Mapping in Post-stroke Aphasia. Brain Communications, 6(5):fcae313, 1-15. DOI: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae313
Adezati, E., Liu, X., Ding, J., Thye, M., Szaflarski, J.P., and Mirman, D. (2024). Phase synchronization during the processing of taxonomic and thematic relations. Brain and Language, 249:105379, 1-11. Analysis code is available at
Zhang, Y., Wu, W., Mirman, D., and Hoffman, P. (2024). Representation of event and object concepts in ventral anterior temporal lobe and angular gyrus. Cerebral Cortex, 34(2), 1-14.
Neuroimaging data: Other data and analysis code: Group effect maps:
Ding, J., Middleton, E.L., and Mirman, D. (2023). Impaired discourse content in aphasia is associated with frontal white matter damage. Brain Communications, 5(6):fcad310, 1-13.
Sperber, C., Gallucci, L., Mirman, D., Arnold, M. and Umarova, R. M. (2023). Stroke lesion size – still a useful biomarker for stroke severity and outcome in times of high-dimensional models. NeuroImage: Clinical, 40:103511, 1-8.
Analysis scripts and anonymised data are available at
Thye, M., Hoffman, P., and Mirman, D. (2023). The words that little by little revealed everything: Neural response to lexical-semantic content during narrative comprehension. NeuroImage, 276:120204, 1-19.
More information about methods, code, data are availabe on OSF
Zhang, Y., Mirman, D., and Hoffman, P. (2023). Taxonomic and thematic relations rely on different types of semantic features: Evidence from an fMRI meta-analysis and a semantic priming study. Brain and Language, 242:105287, 1-12.
Zevgolatakou, E., Thye, M., & Mirman, D. (2023). Behavioural and neural structure of fluent speech production deficits in aphasia. Brain Communications, 5(1):fcac327, 1-16.
Errington, P.J., Thye, M., and Mirman, D. (2022). Difficulty and pleasure in the comprehension of verb-based metaphor sentences: A behavioral study. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0263781.
Adezati, E., Thye, M., Edmondson-Stait, A., Szaflarski, J.P., and Mirman, D. (2022). Lesion Correlates of Auditory Sentence Comprehension Deficits in Post-Stroke Aphasia. NeuroImage: Reports, 2(1), 100076.
Middleton, E.L., Duquette, K.L., Rawson, K.A., and Mirman, D. (2022). An examination of retrieval practice and production training in the treatment of lexical-semantic comprehension deficits in aphasia. Neuropsychology, 36(8), 730–752.
Gilmore, N., Mirman, D., and Kiran, S. (2022). Young Adults With Acquired Brain Injury Show Longitudinal Improvements in Cognition After Intensive Cognitive Rehabilitation. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65(4), 1494-1520.
Murray, A.L., Hall, H.A., Speyer, L.G., Carter, L., Mirman, D., Caye, A., and Rohde, L., (2022). Developmental trajectories of ADHD symptoms in a large population-representative longitudinal study. Psychological Medicine, 52(15), 3590-3596.
Murray, A.L., Nivette, A., Obsuth, I., Hafetz Mirman, J., Mirman, D., Ribeaud, D., Eisner, M. (2022). Gender differences in cross-informant discrepancies in aggressive and prosocial behaviour: A latent difference score analysis. Psychological Assessment, 34(5), 409-418. Preprint:
Landrigan, J.-F., Zhang, F., and Mirman, D. (2021). A Data-Driven Approach to Post-Stroke Aphasia Classification and Lesion-Based Prediction. Brain, 144(5), 1372-1383.
Thye M., Geller, J., Szaflarski, J.P., and Mirman, D. (2021). Intracranial EEG evidence of functional specialization for taxonomic and thematic relations. Cortex, 140, 40-50.
Thye, M., Szaflarski, J.P., and Mirman, D. (2021). Shared lesion correlates of semantic and letter fluency in post‐stroke aphasia. Journal of Neuropsychology, 15(1), 143-150.
Mirman, J.H., Murray, A.L., Mirman, D., & Adams, S.A. (2021). Advancing our understanding of cognitive development and motor vehicle crash risk: A multiverse representation analysis. Cortex, 138, 90-100.
Stage 1 registration:; Analysis code:
Geller, J., Winn, M.B., Mahr, T., and Mirman, D. (2020). GazeR: A Package for Processing Gaze Position and Pupil Size Data. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 2232-2255. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-020-01374-8. [SharedIt]
Landrigan, J.-F., Bell, T., Crowe, M., Clay, O.J., and Mirman, D. (2020). Lifting Cognition: A meta-analysis of effects of resistance exercise on cognition. Psychological Research, 84, 1167–1183. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-019-01145-x. Supplemental materials:
Media coverage: UAB press release, short segment on Good Day Alabama.
Mirman, D., Kraft, A.E., Harvey, D.Y., Brecher, A.R., and Schwartz, M.F. (2019). Mapping articulatory and grammatical sub-components of fluency deficits in post-stroke aphasia. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 1286-1298. DOI: 10.3758/s13415-019-00729-9 [SharedIt]
Ungrady, M.B., Flurie, M., Zuckerman, B., Mirman, D., and Reilly, J. (2019). Naming and Knowing Revisited: Eyetracking Correlates of Anomia in Progressive Aphasia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 354. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00354.
Nair, S., Nenert, R.E., Allendorfer, J.B., Goodman, A.M., Vannest, J., Mirman, D., and Szaflarski, J.P. (2019). Sex, Age, and Handedness Modulate the Neural Correlates of Active Learning. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 961. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00961.
Chen, Q., Middleton, E., and Mirman, D. (2019). Words fail: Lesion-symptom mapping of errors of omission in post-stroke aphasia. Journal of Neuropsychology, 13, 183-197. DOI: 10.1111/jnp.12148
Botezatu, M.R. and Mirman, D. (2019). Impaired lexical selection and fluency in post-stroke aphasia. Aphasiology, 33(6). 667-688. DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2018.1508637.
Geller, J., Landrigan, J.-F., and Mirman, D. (2019). A Pupillometric Examination of Cognitive Control in Taxonomic and Thematic Semantic Memory. Journal of Cognition, 2(1), 6. DOI: Supplemental materials:
Geller, J., Thye, M., and Mirman, D. (2019). Estimating effects of graded white matter damage and binary tract disconnection on post-stroke language impairment. NeuroImage, 189, 248-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.020. Supplemental materials:
Mirman, J.H., Curry, A., and Mirman, D. (2019). Learning-to-drive: A reconceptualization. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 62, 316-326. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2019.01.010. Supplemental materials:
Mirman, D. and Thye, M. (2018). Uncovering the Neuroanatomy of Core Language Systems Using Lesion-Symptom Mapping. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(6), 455-461. DOI: 10.1177/0963721418787486. Supplemental materials:
Thye, M. and Mirman, D. (2018). Relative contributions of lesion location and lesion size to predictions of varied language deficits in post-stroke aphasia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 20, 1129-1138. DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.10.017
Mirman, D., Landrigan, J.-F., Kokolis, S., Verillo, S., Ferrara, C. and Pustina, D. (2018). Corrections for multiple comparisons in voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping. Neuropsychologia, 115, 112-123. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.08.025. [Part of a special issue on Lesion-Symptom Mapping]
Landrigan, J.-F. and Mirman, D. (2018). The Cost of Switching Between Taxonomic and Thematic Semantics. Memory & Cognition, 46(2), 191-203. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-017-0757-5. [SharedIt]
Magnuson, J., Mirman, D., Luthra, S., Strauss, T., and Harris, H. (2018). Interaction in spoken word recognition models: Feedback helps. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(369), 1-18. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00369.
Mirman, D., Landrigan, J.-F., and Britt, A.E. (2017). Taxonomic and Thematic Semantic Systems. Psychological Bulletin, 143(5), 499-520. DOI: 10.1037/bul0000092.
Peñaloza, C., Mirman, D., Cardona, P., Juncadella, M., Martin, N., Laine, M., and Rodríguez-Fornells, A. (2017). Cross-situational word learning in aphasia. Cortex, 93, 12–27. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2017.04.020.
Rosen, D.S., Kim, Y.E., Mirman, D., and Kounios, J. (2017). All You Need to Do is Ask?: The Exhortation to Be Creative Improves Creative Performance More for Non-Expert than Expert Jazz Musicians. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 11(4), 420-427. DOI: 10.1037/aca0000087.
Schuh, J.M., Eigsti, I.-M., and Mirman, D. (2016). Discourse comprehension in autism spectrum disorder: Effects of working memory load and common ground. Autism Research, 9(12), 1340-1352. DOI: 10.1002/aur.1632. Supplemental materials.
Rosen, D.S., Erickson, B., Kim, Y.E., Mirman, D., Hamilton, R. H., and Kounios, J. (2016). Anodal tDCS to right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates performance for novice jazz improvisers but hinders experts. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10(579). DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00579
Britt A.E., Ferrara C., and Mirman D. (2016). Distinct Effects of Lexical and Semantic Competition during Picture Naming in Younger Adults, Older Adults, and People with Aphasia. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(813), 1-17. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00813.
Nozari, N., Mirman, D., and Thompson-Schill, S.L. (2016). The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates processing of sentential context to locate referents. Brain and Language, 157-158, 1-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2016.04.006.
Peñaloza, C., Mirman, D., Tuomiranta, D., Benetello, A., Heikius, I.-M., Järvinen, S., Cardona, P., Juncadella, M., Laine, M., Martin, N., and Rodríguez-Fornells, A. (2016). Novel word acquisition in aphasia: Facing the word-referent ambiguity of natural language learning contexts. Cortex, 79, 14-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.03.009.
Landrigan, J.-F. and Mirman, D. (2016). Taxonomic and thematic relatedness ratings for 659 word pairs. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 4:e2. DOI: Download data.
Mirman, D., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Coslett, H.B., and Schwartz, M.F. (2015). The ins and outs of meaning: Behavioral and neuroanatomical dissociation of semantically-driven word retrieval and multimodal semantic recognition in aphasia. Neuropsychologia, 76, 208-219. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.02.014.
Skipper-Kallal, L.M., Mirman, D. and Olson, I.R. (2015). Converging Evidence from fMRI and Aphasia that the Left Temporoparietal Cortex has an Essential Role in Representing Abstract Semantic Knowledge. Cortex, 69, 104-120. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2015.04.021.
Mirman, D., Chen, Q., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Faseyitan, O.K., Coslett, H.B., and Schwartz, M.F. (2015). Neural Organization of Spoken Language Revealed by Lesion-Symptom Mapping. Nature Communications, 6(6762), 1-9. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7762. [unthresholded stats maps]
Chen, Q. and Mirman, D. (2015). Interaction between phonological and semantic representations: Time matters. Cognitive Science, 39(3), 538-558. DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12156.
McClelland, J.L., Mirman, D., Bolger, D.J., and Khaitan, P. (2014). Interactive activation and mutual constraint satisfaction in perception and cognition. Cognitive Science, 38(6), 1139-1189. DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12146. [Part of 2010 Rumelhart Prize Special Issue Honoring James L. McClelland]
Lee, C.-L., Mirman, D., and Buxbaum, L.J. (2014). Abnormal dynamics of activation of object use information in apraxia: Evidence from eyetracking. Neuropsychologia, 59, 13-26. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.04.004.
Britt, A. E., Mirman, D., Kornilov, S. A., and Magnuson, J. S. (2014). Effect of repetition proportion on language-driven anticipatory eye movements. Acta Psychologica, 145(1), 128-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2013.10.004.
Mirman, D. and Britt, A. E. (2014). What we talk about when we talk about access deficits. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369(1634). DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2012.0388. [Part of special issue on language in developmental and acquired deficits, presentations during the symposium were audio recorded]
Mirman, D. and Graziano, K.M. (2013). The neural basis of inhibitory effects of semantic and phonological neighbors in spoken word production. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25(9), 1504-1516. DOI:10.1162/jocn_a_00408
Mirman, D., Britt, A.E., and Chen, Q. (2013). Effects of phonological and semantic deficits on facilitative and inhibitory consequences of item repetition in spoken word comprehension. Neuropsychologia, 51(10), 1848-1856. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.06.005.
Lupyan, G. and Mirman, D. (2013). Linking language and categorization: Evidence from aphasia. Cortex, 49(5), 1187-1194. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2012.06.006.
Lee, C.-L., Middleton, E. L., Mirman, D., Kalénine, S., and Buxbaum, L. J. (2013). Incidental and context-responsive activation of structure- and function-based action features during object identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(1), 257-270. DOI: 10.1037/a0027533.
Kelty-Stephen, D. G. and Mirman, D. (2013). Gaze fluctuations are not additively decomposable: Reply to Bogartz and Staub (2012). Cognition, 126(1), 128-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2012.09.002.
Mirman, D. and Graziano, K.M. (2012a). Individual differences in strength of taxonomic versus thematic relations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(4), 601-609. DOI: 10.1037/a0026451.
Mirman, D. and Graziano, K.M. (2012b). Damage to temporo-parietal cortex decreases incidental activation of thematic relations during spoken word comprehension. Neuropsychologia, 50(8), 1990-1997. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.04.024.
Lupyan, G., Mirman, D., Hamilton, R., and Thompson-Schill, S.L. (2012). Categorization is modulated by transcranical direct current stimulation over left prefrontal cortex. Cognition, 124(1), 36-49.
Kalénine, S., Mirman, D., Middleton, E. L., and Buxbaum, L. J. (2012). Temporal dynamics of activation of thematic and functional knowledge during conceptual processing of manipulable artifacts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(5), 1274-1295. DOI: 10.1037/a0027626.
Kalénine, S., Mirman, D., and Buxbaum, L. J. (2012). A combination of thematic and similarity-based semantic processes confers resistance to deficit following left hemisphere stroke. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6(106), 1-12. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00106.
Chen, Q. and Mirman, D. (2012). Competition and cooperation among similar representations: Toward a unified account of facilitative and inhibitory effects of lexical neighbors. Psychological Review, 119(2), 417-430. DOI: 10.1037/a0027175. Full model code. (Aug. 8, 2012 - Note: The figures in the article were generated with decay rates that were 2x larger than the values reported in the Appendix. The model produces the same qualitative patterns with either set of decay rates, but the activation curves look slightly different.)
Dixon, J.A., Holden, J.G., Mirman, D., and Stephen, D.G. (2012). Development of cognition from the multifractality of perception-action. Topics in Cognitive Science, 4(1), 51-62 [Great Debate: Complex Systems Approach to Cognitive Science]. DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2011.01162.x.
Mirman, D., Irwin, J.R., and Stephen, D.G. (2012). Eye movement dynamics and cognitive self-organization in typical and atypical development. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 6(1), 61-73. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-011-9180-y.
Schwartz, M.F., Kimberg, D.Y., Walker, G.M., Brecher, A., Faseyitan, O., Dell, G.S., Mirman, D., and Coslett, H.B. (2011). A neuroanatomical dissociation for taxonomic and thematic knowledge in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(20), 8520-8524.
Mirman, D., Yee, E., Blumstein, S., and Magnuson, J.S. (2011). Theories of spoken word recognition deficits in aphasia: Evidence from eye-tracking and computational modeling. Brain & Language, 117, 53-68.
Mirman, D. (2011). Effects of near and distant semantic neighbors on word production. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 11(1), 32-43.
Mirman, D., Strauss, T.J., Brecher, A., Walker, G.M., Sobel, P., Dell, G.S., and Schwartz, M.F. (2010). A large, searchable, web-based database of aphasic performance on picture naming and other tests of cognitive function. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 27(6), 495-504.
Mirman, D., Graf Estes, and Magnuson, J.S. (2010). Computational modeling of statistical learning: Effects of transitional probability vs. frequency and links to word learning. Infancy, 15(5), 471-486.
Stephen, D. G. and Mirman, D. (2010). Interactions dominate the dynamics of visual cognition. Cognition, 115(1), 154-165.
Mirman, D., Strauss, T.J., Dixon, J.A., and Magnuson, J.S. (2010). Effect of representational distance between meanings on recognition of ambiguous spoken words. Cognitive Science, 34(1), 161-173.
Mirman, D. and Magnuson, J.S. (2009b). Dynamics of activation of semantically similar concepts during spoken word recognition. Memory & Cognition, 37(7), 1026-1039.
Mirman, D. and Magnuson, J.S. (2009a). The effect of frequency of shared features on judgments of semantic similarity. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16(4), 671-677.
Stephen, D. G., Mirman, D., Magnuson, J. S., and Dixon, J. A. (2009). Lévy-like diffusion in spoken-language comprehension. Physical Review E, 79(5), 056114.
Mirman, D. (2008). Mechanisms of semantic ambiguity resolution: Insights from speech perception. Research on Language and Computation, 6(3-4), 293-309. Note: the version published in the journal includes an error in Fig. 1, the error has been fixed in this version.
Mirman, D., Dixon, J.A., and Magnuson, J.S. (2008). Statistical and computational models of the visual world paradigm: Growth curves and individual differences. Journal of Memory and Language, 59(4), 475-494. Our GCA resources website.
Mirman, D., Magnuson, J.S., Graf Estes, K., and Dixon, J.A. (2008). The link between statistical segmentation and word learning in adults. Cognition, 108(1), 271-280.
Mirman, D., McClelland, J.L., Holt, L.L., and Magnuson, J.S. (2008). Effects of attention on the strength of lexical influences on speech perception: Behavioral experiments and computational mechanisms. Cognitive Science, 32(2), 398-417.
Mirman, D. and Magnuson, J.S. (2008). Attractor dynamics and semantic neighborhood density: Processing is slowed by near neighbors and speeded by distant neighbors.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 34(1), 65-79.
The inhibitory effect of near neighbors from Experiment 2 was replicated as part of the Reproducibility Project.
Mirman, D., McClelland, J.L., and Holt, L.L. (2006). An interactive Hebbian account of lexically guided tuning of speech perception. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13(6), 958-965. The model:
McClelland, J.L., Mirman, D., and Holt, L.L. (2006). Are there interactive processes in speech perception? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10(8), 363-369.
Note: Linked file includes letter by McQueen, Norris, & Cutler ("Are there really interactive processes in speech perception?") and response by Mirman, McClelland, & Holt ("Theoretical and empirical arguments support interactive processing.").
Mirman, D., McClelland, J.L., and Holt, L.L. (2005). Computational and behavioral investigations of lexically induced delays in phoneme recognition. Journal of Memory and Language, 52(3), 424-443.
Mirman, D., Holt, L.L., and McClelland, J.L. (2004). Categorization and discrimination of non-speech sounds: differences between steady-state and rapidly-changing acoustic cues. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116(2), 1198-1207.
Mirman, D. and Spivey, M. (2001). Retroactive interference in neural networks and in humans: the effect of pattern-based learning. Connection Science, 13(3), 257-275.
Book Chapters
Mirman, D. and Middleton, E.L. (2022). Disorders of lexical access and production. In L. Gleitman, A. Papafragou, and J. Trueswell (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of the Mental Lexicon (pp. 831-844). Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198845003.013.28
Mirman, D. (2022). Aphasia: Acquired Language and Speech Disorder. In S. Della Sala (Ed), Encyclopedia of Behavioural Neuroscience (Second Edition), Volume 3 (pp. 81-87). Elsevier.
Mirman, D. (2020). Language. In F. Amthor, A. Theibert, D. Standaert, & E. Roberson (Eds), Essentials of Modern Neuroscience (pp. 341-350). McGraw-Hill. (AccessMedicine link)
Mirman, D. (2016). Zones of proximal development for models of spoken word recognition. In T. Harley (Series Ed.) & G.M. Gaskell & J. Mirkovic (Vol. Eds.), Current Issues in the Psychology of Language: Speech Perception and Spoken Word Recognition (pp. 97-115). Psychology Press.
Magnuson, J. S., Mirman, D., & Myers, E. (2013). Spoken word recognition. In D. Reisberg (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology (pp. 412-441). New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
Magnuson, J. S., Mirman, D., & Harris, H. D. (2012). Computational models of spoken word recognition. In M. Spivey, K. McRae, & M. Joanisse (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Cambridge University Press.
Selected Conference Proceedings
Errington, P. J., Thye, M., Tao, A. & Mirman, D. (2024). Effects of ease of comprehension and individual differences on the pleasure experienced while reading novelized verb-based metaphors. In L. K. Samuelson, S. L. Frank, M. Toneva, A. Mackey, & E. Hazeltine (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 46, 2687-2694.
Mirman, D., Krason, A., Thothathiri, M., & Middleton, E. L. (2024). Effect of Fatigue on Word Production in Aphasia. In L. K. Samuelson, S. L. Frank, M. Toneva, A. Mackey, & E. Hazeltine (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 46, 2951-2956.
Landrigan, J.-F. and Mirman, D. (2017). Reassessing Aphasic Classifications with Community Detection Analysis. In Proceedings of the Academy of Aphasia 55th Annual Meeting. DOI: 10.3389/conf.fnhum.2017.223.00032
Nozari, N. and Mirman, D. (2016). Using determiners as contextual cues in sentence comprehension: A comparison between younger and older adults.. In A. Papafragou, D. Grodner, D. Mirman, & J. Trueswell (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 1193-1198). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Botezatu, M.R., Landrigan, J.-F., Chen, Q., and Mirman, D. (2015). Phonological Neighborhood Density Modulates Errors In Spoken Word Recognition. In Noelle, D. C., Dale, R., Warlaumont, A. S., Yoshimi, J., Matlock, T., Jennings, C. D., & Maglio, P. P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 250-255). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Mirman, D., Kittredge, A.K., and Dell, G.S. (2010). Effects of near and distant phonological neighbors on picture naming. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1447-1452). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Kubat, R., Mirman, D., & Roy, D.K. (2009). Semantic context effects on color categorization. In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (Eds) Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 491-495). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Mirman, D., Magnuson, J.S , Strauss, T.J., and Dixon, J.A. (2008). Effect of global context on homophone ambiguity resolution. In B.C. Love, K. McRae, & V.M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 663-668). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Misc: Editorials, Letters, Methods and Technical Reports
Strengthening Derivation Chains in Cognitive Neuroscience: A Special Issue of Cortex
Mirman, D., Scheel, A. M., Schubert, A. L., & McIntosh, R. D. (2022). Strengthening derivation chains in cognitive neuroscience: A special issue of Cortex. Cortex, 146, A1-A4.
Mirman, D., Scheel, A., Schubert, A. L., & McIntosh, R. D. (2024). Strengthening derivation chains in cognitive neuroscience: Closing Editorial. Cortex, 175, A1-A4.
Mirman, D., Landrigan, J.-F., Kokolis, S., Verillo, S., Ferrara, C. and Pustina, D. (2016, Dec. 14). Corrections for multiple comparisons in voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping. arXiv:1612.04345 [stat.AP].
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LCDL-TR 2013.1 (December, 2013): Preliminary validation of eye tracking and the “Visual World Paradigm” for participants with aphasia and limb apraxia.
LCDL-TR 2012.4 (September, 2012): Aggregating fixation data across trials of different durations.
LCDL-TR 2012.3 (August, 2012): Treating participants (or items) as random vs. fixed effects.
LCDL-TR 2012.1 (June, 2012): What is "Dynamic Consistency" and does it matter?
LCDL-TR 2011.1 (February, 2011): Choosing between lme and lmer for growth curve analysis.